

ArtScape & Lov


Baltimore Artscape 2016 was themed “Space: Discover what’s out there!”

In case you missed it this year, here are 5 Discoverys I loved during this year’s festivities!


5.  Artscape Lov da Kids


Artscape 2016 was an amazing experience not just for local artists in and throughout Baltimore but also for the children. The festival had several amazingly huge, colorful, and interactive experiences for the kids of Artscape to explore. Of course, the adolescent crowd loved the vast variety of snow cone, candy cane, and hot dog options but I think the biggest draws were the Ferris Wheel and installation art. We saw awe-inspiring opportunities for family fun and play during Artscape 2016. 



4. Artscape Poppin’


In this crazy land of small screens and social media we’ve all experienced the visual assaults that are viral videos surrounding the mistreatment of members of the Melanation Nation.  Many talented Artscape artists allowed those still in recovery to detach a bit from that negativity and focus on the beauty of our culture.  I experienced several beautiful reminders of some of the best parts of being black.     (718) 510-7635     (718) 510-7635

Historically Black University bringing music to the people      www,

Historically Black University bringing music to the people      www,


3. Artscape kept ART simple


Growing up as an aspiring artist, one of my biggest misconceptions was the thought, “an artist had to have the best, most expensive items in the art supply store to create a work worth buying.” Artscape 2016 came at just the right time to prove my inner child completely wrong. I had the opportunity to speak with quite a few artists who have created beautifully complex inspirational artwork with materials as simple as a ballpoint pens.      (215) 287-8110      (215) 287-8110


Tai Taeoalii     @ArtByTai  

Tai Taeoalii     @ArtByTai  



2. Artscape Ink’d


If you’re tattooed, your body modifications may catch the eye of a stranger or two when in different social settings. It was so heart warming to be in a crowd full of colorful tattoo art on body’s of all shapes and complexions, without judgment. As a novice in the game, I’m always inspired and pushed towards greatness when I see straight lines and color poppin body art.


1. Artscape – Space: Explore What’s Out There!


Finally and more directly to the theme of Artscape 2016, this year’s skillful and talented artists reminded me of the vast wonders our environment has to offer, be it space, earth, or ocean. I’ve read a quote that says, “…art wasn't supposed to look nice; it was supposed to make you feel something.” I hope you find beauty in the art I was able to share with you from my Artscape experience and most important… I hope it allowed you to feel something.




Below I’ve linked the contact info for some of the artists whose work I’ve shared with you guys today. Along with amazing Spoken word, dance, musical and other live performances, Artscape was an artist dream to behold this past weekend. I’m grateful for the experience. Please feel free to stop by the artists’ pages and show them some love. Thanks for reading and enjoy this pic of me being crowned with a snake!

325 Krocks Road Allentown, PA 18106       (619) 704-6288

325 Krocks Road Allentown, PA 18106       (619) 704-6288

 @SandraBaqueroCollection    (646) 522-5724

 @SandraBaqueroCollection    (646) 522-5724